Friday 9 February 2007

New to Blogging?... read on

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) No.1

Who can POST (new articles) on this site?

Please note that only Contributors, listed on the right, can POST - although anyone can COMMENT. You have to be invited to become a contributing Member.
To become a contributor simply mail me at (where AT = @). If and when you do comment please leave your full name so that we know who is viewing the site.
If you feel you are not up to POSTING then simply send me an e-mail containing an article, ATTACH any photo in a "jpg" format and I will POST the article on your behalf.
I am hoping that by these means, photos that have been unseen by others for more than seventy years will be available to all visitors to the site. Until this happens I'm afraid that you are stuck with having to see only Ron's photos !

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